Valid Love

By Diana Wei Dai 


We didn’t believe the nice things we said to each other

 at the same time, we took it too personally when we were being mean.

We always focused on what we want 

but ignored what the other person wants.

We love them the way we want to be loved

but we never ask how they want to be loved.

The love is always there, and valid.

We put our eyes in the perfect faraway future

and the beautiful image blurred our eyes of seeing the true meaning of each other. 

Of living in the moment.

We tried so hard to let the other person understand us,

but we never saw what the other person wants to express

We were hard on ourselves.

We were also being too hard on each other.

We use excuses and personal histories, 

projecting the unsatisfying part of ourselves on to each other,

and then we ask;

Why it wouldn’t work? 


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